Harriet Green

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Let’s Talk Happiness at Work!

January 5, 2023 - By Emma Cleary - Inspiration, Leadership, Resilience

Finding Joy in Any Job  Are you happy at work? Feeling stuck? Disillusioned? Have you fallen out of love with your job? Finding joy in what you do is perhaps one of the most important needs of the human soul. I really enjoyed this HBR podcast, which delves into ways to improve the role you ...

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I found this infographic from Visual Capitalist really interesting. It lays out the 20 fastest growing jobs in the next decade, and maps the constantly changing employment landscape for the future. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects there will be 11.9 million new jobs created from 2020 to 2030! So let’s dig into these fascinating - and ...

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Things that Make Anxiety Worse

January 5, 2023 - By Emma Cleary - Inspiration, Resilience

Last week, I shared some of the activities I turn to when I can feel anxiety building up! I thought it would also be useful to lay out a few triggers that seem to exacerbate my anxious episodes. Anxiety management is all about understanding & managing what your mind or body can, or cannot cope ...

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A World of Languages

January 5, 2023 - By Emma Cleary - Inspiration

I was so inspired by Vala Afshar’s post on the world’s incredible breadth of languages. As this fantastic graphic states, there are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. Twenty-three of these languages are a mother tongue for more than 50 million people. I find languages fascinating as they provide a window ...

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Eco vs. Ego in Leadership

December 8, 2022 - By Emma Cleary - Inspiration, Leadership, Resilience

I totally love this infographic from Oxford Leadership. It really underscores my view of leading with high integrity influence and deep empathy in all conversations. To me, leadership is about demonstrating great agility yet composure at the toughest of times. As today’s leaders stand in the centre of a huge Vortex of Change, and ...

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During my first big leadership role in 1989 as Managing Director of the Macro Group, I received a rather bold, brilliant and direct piece of feedback. This turned out to be one of the most important interventions I have ever had... Idea of the Day: My Life Changed as I Accepted the Gift of Feedback  If ...

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Idea of the Day: I Think I am Collaborating Too Much - 9 Triggers to over collaborating! Am I one of the way too eager people who jump into, or are dragged into, active collaborations that might run better without us and that burn up our valuable time and energy? I think I might be??  To ...

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I have always believed in the importance of having friends at work, and being aware of the impact it has on employees’ productivity and creativity. I have myself forged many meaningful and enduring friendships throughout my career. So how can managers create and maintain a friendship-friendly workplace that delivers measurable results?  The Power of Work ...

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On National Train Your Brain day, a day of reflecting on how our brain works, applies cognition and reacts to the world, I wanted to remind us all of the power of pushing through our fear and stepping out of our comfort zones! It is so crucial to seek out what seems unfamiliar, unsafe, and ...

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22 Inventions that are Saving the Earth!

November 18, 2022 - By Emma Cleary - Inspiration, News, Resilience

Absolutely loved this video by Tech Insider, explaining 22 inventions that are saving the earth, including turbines, edible cutlery, water blobs, package-free shampoo and toothpaste! Some of these inventions could truly help us cut back on all plastics and reduce the terrifying amount of garbage in the sea! 🐟 Do watch the video and let me know ...

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