Life skills matter so much during this huge vortex of change. As job roles continue to change due to advanced technologies, the importance of human emotion, EQ, contextualising skills, collaboration, creativity etc become increasingly clear. I’ve read many ‘trend pieces’ that highlight machine learning and the use of robots to replace humans, but there ...
Since its inception in June last year, I’ve been following IBM Project Debater – the first AI that can debate humans on complex topics by understanding language well enough to construct and represent a persuasive point of view – with huge interest and anticipation. Just imagine the possibilities! Earlier this week at IBM’s annual largest ...
Take a look today’s factory floor…See anything different from a decade ago? Now take a closer look. What you’ll see is that an incredible transformation that’s taking place--industry robots are helping workers focus on critical other areas. These same robots are armed with sensors that are feeding unimaginable amounts of data ...