Idea of the Day: I Think I am Collaborating Too Much - 9 Triggers to over collaborating! Am I one of the way too eager people who jump into, or are dragged into, active collaborations that might run better without us and that burn up our valuable time and energy? I think I might be?? To ...
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY – KEY THEMES, AMAZING TAKEAWAYS & REFLECTIONS I had a deeply moving and interesting time celebrating International Women’s Day with the Cambridge Women in Business society! We started the day with superb mutual mentoring with the world's future leaders, a LinkedIn live Q&A, with Sharena Shiv, Milly Cox, Danielle ...
INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY - 08/03/2021 KEY THEMES, AMAZING TAKEAWAYS & REFLECTIONS I had a deeply moving and interesting time celebrating International Women’s Day with the @Cambridge Women in Business society! We started the day with superb mutual mentoring with the world's future leaders, a LinkedIn live Q&A, with Sharena Shiv, Milly Cox, ...
I am a proud Black Woman... In case you were wondering - this is not Harriet talking, it is me Abigail Maburutse - I am Harriet’s new marketing Ninja🐱👤, but she prefers to call me her Chief Marketing Officer 🙌 An honestly slightly scary 'title' to be frank - as I have never been one ...
Transitions comes with reflection and I’ve had much time to do so of late, undertaking a massive change as I step forward to be so much more there for my loved ones. My professional world has long been my comfort zone. Driving companies and movements forward to be much more effective from good to ...
Since arriving in the Asia Pacific region 15 months ago, I’ve travelled to Australia many times, mostly landing in Sydney at Kingsford-Smith airport, which is named after the first person to completed the trans-Pacific flight from the United States to Australia in 1928. With International Women's Day being celebrated on March 8 every year, it’s fitting, ...
It’s so important to remember the importance of culture in creating inclusive workplaces. If we are to succeed in changing the status quo, we must challenge male leaders to stand with women and ensure they have every opportunity to succeed. Over the years, there have been many people – men and women – who have shaped ...