Over recent weeks I've had the opportunity to review various projects from throughout my global career and I re-watched this talk from June 2018, introducing IBM's Power in Progress: Advancing Women's Leadership session in Bengaluru, India, which brought together a diverse group of inspiring women & male leaders to generate meaningful dialogue and formulate a way ...
Wow! I loved reading Ta-Nehsi Coates book, The World and Me, and now his guest editor role for the September issue of Vanity Fair is just incredible. It's a blow-your-mind best in the world issue. It's got punch, gravitas, style, power and the most beautiful magazine cover ever. It's an absolute must read. Here's the ...
As I talk to family, mutual mentees, volunteers, NHS staff, etc I've captured an insight...it's officially I think the golden period of opportunity for different age groups to willingly learn from each other! Over 70’s who experienced WWII and its aftermath are lockdown champions! From the magnificent Captain Tom raising £30M PLUS for the ...
Following on from my last post about common courtesy, I’ve spent the last week reflecting on the broader issue of how we treat each other, and the responsibility that we have as individuals. There’s no doubt that the #metoo movement has recently shone a light on some very dark corners and exposed devastating ...