Cognitive Flexibility & How to Improve our Own Minds

I love these BBC Ideas Series and this little video is super clear, fun and actionable: Stroop Test is a fantastic way to see how your brain is processing information, and really makes you think about how we learn, tailor our responses using prediction and our resources correctly, making us more flexible and thus effective thinkers.I had a wonderful example of this at the weekend when we picked up a new tandem bicycle which is designed to be taken apart into smaller more transportable pieces and reassembled. This “Coupled Tandem” (called Sasiy ~ Sensational Adventures Starting In Yorkshire ~ Lassy) really challenged our flexibility, teamwork, processing new learnings from earlier in the day and when tired (cycling up hill a lot across the Yorkshire Dales!) and hungry trying to put the bike back together!We managed it eventually but applying our new learning, aligning complex cogs, managing a most mischievous chain, holding the bike two unfixed parts firm and being kind to each other was a great exercise in cognitive flexibility and best use of resources! 


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