Why conscious breathing is so essential to stress reduction.

The importance of deep, deep conscious breathing is my go-to way of dealing with feelings of anxiety and stress. When I feel overwhelmed it helps me psychologically, physiologically, and anatomically.This excellent @HarvardBiz article (http://ow.ly/KswP50BW5VA) explains how breathing helps both immediate and long-term stress reduction.Research shows that different emotions are associated with different forms of breathing, and so changing how we breathe can change how we feel. For example, when you feel joy, your breathing will be regular, deep, and slow. If you feel anxious or angry, your breathing will be irregular, short, fast, and shallow. Changing your breathing rhythm slows your heart rate, triggering your parasympathetic nervous system, and your ability to think rationally returns. I also mentally exhale past troubling thoughts and inhale new positive vibes - it makes me smile too!How are you daily managing the stresses and anxieties of the Covid world? Iā€™d love to hear any tips you have to share.




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