What is it – insider or outsider?

As I prepare for an interview on helping folks during lockdowns, I was reminded of a Stephen King novel that I hadn’t read but just saw extraordinarily adapted for TV by a mighty American cast. I won’t ruin this treasure of 10 episodes but central to the book is that it takes an outsider to recognise an outsider. And it struck me suddenly and profoundly that I am looking at this societal lockdown and how to help people at this time with the wrong lens. Right now, we are all outsiders.

  • We are all outside the lives we had looking back in, wishing they’d or we’d return;
  • We are outside of our normal constructs feeling strange and wanting familiarity back so that we feel safe and inside;
  • We are in limbo, outside of our comfort zones and unable to centre or relax.
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I think all of us feel this and whilst the politicians will craft the timeline of next steps for our society, it’s down to us, each and every one to be real leaders, real loving souls helping everyone we touch with the psychological, physiological and anatomical steps to a new belonging.Psychological – Hearts and minds, the think and feel. Let’s control what we can control (like how I channelled anxiety into the re-ordering of my bookshelves!), create clear boundaries for folks, be real and the best version of ourselves. Who we are at this time outside of ourselves, how do we want others to think, feel and do…much of this we can positively influence through creativity and kindness!Physiological – Processes, systems and new approaches. What a wonderful time to take the best of a digital life and business to break through. Whether it’s our favourite family fitness Yoga Meditation together, party apps or amazing new ways to market through the power of Cloud and AI in our business planning – communicate and create meaningful social media with what you, action, write and contribute!Anatomically – Structurally let’s hang on to this agile, flexible new vein through our lives and businesses. Soft shells not hard shells, firm but not fixed, open to the new and thinking about the world from the centre of this vortex rather than hierarchically in command at the top!So as we come to terms with the fact that the future is unlikely to return us all to be inside of our old reality, let’s take from and learn about the realities and benefits of being an Outsider – so that as we move forward, this tough period will have taught us all individually and collectively something very powerful.I wanted to end by sharing a poem by Arnold Bennett which provides hope for us all, and teaches us, I think, to not take for granted the gift of life and time.What is it - insider or outsider? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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The golden period of opportunity


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