Return to the Workplace Anxieties & How We Can Help Each Other

In my latest mutual mentoring meetings, two talented Gen Z’ers have expressed real anxiety about returning to their place of work in countries that have fully exited lockdowns.I shared some thoughts & ideas plus a practical article:1. It’s totally ok and normal to feel uncertain & distressed at this incredibly challenging time of transition when the brain is alerting us to big change & some perceived risk.2. Try to maintain a good routine & positive structure to your day scheduling in a few of your favourite things giving yourself a mental health boost as well as a welcome distraction from your anxieties.3. Take it steadily, don’t try to go from 1 to 100 on your first day back in the workplace, keep things simple, give yourself time & get a new good schedule going! You get to design this & stay in control.4. And to the point of noise and inability to concentrate in the office with many interruptions - talk to your colleagues, help each other as you form the new build back better community! Learning & creating new boundaries together. also love this graphic from @lizandmollie and would love to hear your views as you prepare to return to the workplace. 


World Tolkien Day, Imagination and My Personal Rewilding


We Have Designed a New Life - Reflections on the Human Spirit