Listen, Read, Practice & Fear Not Mistakes As We Power Our Way To Good Judgement

I have always been fascinated by judgement and strive to be a person who gathers information and thoroughly thinks issues through.I try and work systematically and thoroughly so that in discussions I have the capacity to answer each and any objection that arises and my personal goal is to respond with grace and poise!This super HBR article expands upon the notion that we can develop good judgment as you do other muscles in your body by judicious and daily exercise:, the article states, is the ability to combine personal qualities with relevant knowledge and experience to form opinions and make decisions and is at the core of exemplary leadership.Leaders with good judgements tend to be practised and extremely good listeners ( and avid readers.My top tips:1. Intensify the cultivation of sources of trusted advice: people who continue to share what I need to know rather than what I want to hear!⠀2. Diversify and expand my sources of input so my repertoire of input, data, opinions and knowledge grows which also expands our innate curiosity!⠀3. Debate more with creativity, candour, facts and again with those that are cognitively and demographically v different to me.


My Journey of Positive Change


The Eye of the Storm & How To Survive (Even Flourish) Thereafter