Exploring the World of Work: A Special Edition

Welcome to the latest newsletter where we dive into the core elements that shape our professional lives and pave the way for success in the ever-evolving landscape of work.

May marks a significant time for workers around the globe, as we shine a spotlight on the importance of labour rights and fair working conditions. But why, you may ask, are we featuring this in May?

The roots of this focus date back to the late 19th century when the fight for an eight-hour working day was gaining momentum. In May 1890, leaders of the socialist Second International called for an international day of protest to advocate for better working conditions—a pivotal moment that laid the foundation for the modern labor movement.

In the United Kingdom, the significance of May in the realm of workers' rights is embodied by the May Day Bank Holiday. Instituted by Michael Foot, then the Labour Employment Secretary, in 1978, this holiday has been a symbol of solidarity and recognition for workers across the nation. However, its socialist connotations have sparked controversy over the years, highlighting the ongoing dialogue surrounding labor rights and political ideologies.

As we navigate the complexities of the modern workforce, let us remember the historical significance of May in advocating for the rights and dignity of workers worldwide. By honouring this tradition, we reaffirm our commitment to creating equitable and inclusive workplaces for all.

Why are we writing this?

As leaders, our foremost duty is to cultivate environments that blend happiness with productivity, fostering thriving teams and innovative workplaces. Prioritising employee well-being lays the groundwork for success, ensuring that our organisations flourish in today's fast-paced landscape.

In this era of rapid change, continuous learning is paramount for professionals across all industries, from traditional trades to cutting-edge technology roles. Embracing the journey of learning, unlearning, and relearning equips us with the agility needed to thrive amidst shifting demands.

At the core of exceptional work lies innovation, the driving force behind growth and progress in every sector. Our forthcoming discussions will delve into the transformative power of innovation-led growth, illuminating its pivotal role in shaping the future of work.

A clear strategy serves as our North Star in navigating the complexities of the professional realm. By setting clear objectives and pathways, we pave the way for success and ensure alignment throughout our organisations.

Furthermore, we must acknowledge that change is inevitable in the world of work. Embracing change and mastering effective collaboration amid evolving dynamics are essential aspects of the human experience.

What does work mean today?

In contemporary society, work encompasses more than traditional employment and includes various forms of contribution and engagement. Work is not just about earning income but also about finding purpose and fulfilment. It involves leveraging our skills and talents to make meaningful contributions to our communities and the wider world. Today, work spans a broad range of activities, including volunteerism, entrepreneurship, creative pursuits, and lifelong learning.

Why we work

The fundamental question of why we work delves into the deeper purpose and motivation behind our professional endeavours. While financial stability remains significant, many individuals seek work that provides meaning, fulfilment, and personal growth. Purpose-driven work aligns with our values and enables us to make a positive impact on the world. Moreover, pursuing purpose in our work leads to greater job satisfaction, engagement, and overall well-being.

Creating a Culture of Success: Nurturing Happy and Productive Work Environments"

In today's dynamic workplaces, leaders wield the power to shape not just the bottom line, but also the very fabric of their organisation's culture. Join us as we delve into the art of fostering environments where positivity thrives, productivity soars, and employees feel valued and empowered.

What Are We Working For?

Our Value, Purpose & Measuring Our Impact

I have been digging deep into some of our economic constructs and how they are changing and I loved this article by Bloomberg, "Believe in Capitalism? Then Don't Work on Weekends"


One of the themes in this piece is if your labour is free, you devalue yourself. Many next gen workers are defining their value, purpose and how they measure themselves v v differently. There’s a real shift to it not being 'cool' to work after hours and on weekends as perhaps it once was.

Post-pandemic there appears to be a bigger interest in start-ups and venture capitalists and less interest in 'toiling' to climb the ranks of big firms.

Here lies a huge opportunity for us all to be working on compelling consumer-grade employee value propositions to refresh or completely reset our organisations' purpose and the key performance indicators that track our progress and productivity, but most of all our happiness!

What are your thoughts on the new or old purpose of work?

Does the graphic resonate with you? Big thanks to Tom Fishburne.

What Amazing Bosses Do Differently - Time to Bring It On

We all need to see and experience extraordinary and brilliant leadership.

This Harvard Business School article is still best in class as its core is focused on caring for your team as individuals and building personal relationships, not deploying a holistic, one size fits all approach: https://buff.ly/3fpLVKk

Here's a reminder of a recent post about 'being a better boss'! https://buff.ly/2UMqLhT

My Top Tips:

1) Go big on meaning. Most employees value jobs that let them contribute and make a difference, and many organisations now emphasise meaning and purpose in the hopes of fostering engagement. But this is also the manager’s responsibility. You can’t just rely on incentives like bonuses, stock options, or raises.

2) Emphasise learning in your team, as we continue through this vortex of change; my nirvana of learning over winning!

3) Focus on feedback. A recent Society for Human Resource Management survey of managers in the US found that “only 2% provide ongoing feedback to their employees.” Just 2%! Many bosses limit themselves to the dreaded “performance review” and often mingle developmental feedback with discussions about compensation and promotion, rendering the former much less effective.

I have spent more time on feedback in my career as you can read here: https://buff.ly/2UMqJGN. Feedback is a gift and must be a constant stream of giving.

For me, exceptional bosses are more important than ever with the future of work reforming around us, where we need employees to bring 200% of themselves to their work, with all their honesty vulnerability, trust, understanding and empathy to your physiological safely bond as the leader.

Is this happening around you?

Who is your most amazing boss?

"Skills for Success: The Importance of Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning"

In a rapidly evolving world, the key to staying ahead lies in our ability to adapt and grow. From mastering traditional trades to embracing cutting-edge technologies, the journey of skill acquisition is as diverse as it is crucial. Let's explore the transformative power of continuous learning, unlearning outdated practices, and relearning new skills to meet the demands of tomorrow's workforce.

Prioritising The Skills The World Needs

All of us as modern workers have little extra time for learning, and yet continuous learning is vital for anyone who wants to maintain their edge.

There’s a significant pressure on us all to learn the right stuff, for ourselves, and the world as we build back better, but how do we identify what that is?

This amazing HBR article - http://ow.ly/IVE850Em0oN - has a fabulous time-utility analysis that can help us decide what to prioritise in the learning jungle.

By examining how useful a skill should be, and how much time it would take you to learn, you can plot various skills on a 2×2 matrix: stuff that’s easy to learn and really useful is a clear quick win, while you’ll have to carve out more time for useful skills that take some time to learn. And for those truly useless things? Think about how much time you can afford to invest in them, and then learn as you can — or just move on with your life.

As I shared on Saturday (http://ow.ly/BuVU50Em0oO), an example for me is in real agile working in a very fast pace product & platform development environment with the brilliant Red Badger team supporting our groundbreaking Mission Beyond work.

What skills do you need to spend time learning right now?

"Innovation: The Heartbeat of Great Work"

Innovation isn't just a buzzword; it's the lifeblood of progress and prosperity. Join us as we unravel the essence of great work, where creativity flourishes, and bold ideas pave the way for transformative change. From the boardroom to the workshop, let's celebrate the innovators who dare to challenge the status quo and redefine what's possible.

"Mastering Strategy: The Blueprint for Successful Work"

Behind every successful endeavour lies a well-crafted strategy—a roadmap that guides actions and decisions toward desired outcomes. Join us as we delve into the world of strategic planning, where clarity of purpose and precision of execution intersect to drive organisational success. Let's unlock the secrets of effective strategy formulation and implementation, empowering leaders to navigate complexities with confidence.

Career Mistakes to Avoid & Great Learnings if You Don’t!

I love this image from @businessmentorship, & thought it might be useful to share my biggest career mistakes! In recognising these mistakes I have been able to re-learn, unlearn, re-position & re-set.

20 years ago when I started transforming businesses, not understanding deeply enough the full repertoire of implications of new technology on people & clients.

My response: I joined one of the world's greatest tech companies, IBM to run a new start-up, Watson IoT, spending 5 years immersed in technology challenges.

Making a transformation particularly digital look too easy to achieve great fast results to a board not made up of digital transformers.

My response: When joining boards subsequent to this, ensuring there are at least one other woman & two active business transformers who have failed or succeeded on that board.

Not fully taking a board along with you on how long sustainable change really takes, esp. as a public company CEO when success metrics are being attained in full & victory is being declared around you!

My response: become a great Executive Chairman of a purpose-led organisation, channelling vision & energy into high impact goodness.

What are your biggest career learnings, and how did you respond?

"Embracing Change: Thriving in the Ever-Evolving World of Work"

Change is the only constant in today's fast-paced landscape, presenting both challenges and opportunities for growth. Join us as we explore the art of adaptation, resilience, and forward-thinking in the face of uncertainty. From embracing digital transformation to fostering a culture of agility, let's equip ourselves with the mindset and tools needed to thrive amidst change.

How AI impacts our work

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping the landscape of the modern workplace, introducing new opportunities and challenges for professionals across industries. Contrary to popular belief, AI is not poised to replace human workers but rather augment their capabilities and enhance efficiency. By automating routine tasks and streamlining processes, AI enables workers to focus on higher-value activities that require creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence.

AI technologies, such as machine learning algorithms and natural language processing, empower professionals to make data-driven decisions, uncover insights, and anticipate trends with unprecedented accuracy. Virtual assistants and chatbots provide immediate support and information, enhancing customer service and employee productivity. Moreover, AI-powered tools for automation and predictive analytics enable organisations to optimise operations, reduce costs, and accelerate innovation.

As AI continues to evolve, its integration into the workplace will transform job roles and workflows, unlocking new possibilities for collaboration and growth. Rather than displacing human workers, AI complements their skills and expertise, amplifying their capacity to solve complex problems and drive progress. By embracing AI technologies responsibly and leveraging them effectively, organisations can cultivate a culture of innovation and empower their workforce to thrive in the digital era.

This week, during our desert island retreat in Indonesia, most of the executives embraced the power of AI tools. They utilised these innovative tools to efficiently recap their emails on a daily basis, summarising, distilling, and even making recommendations. It's incredible to witness how technology is revolutionising the way we work, streamlining processes, and enhancing productivity. Exciting times ahead as we continue to harness the potential of AI in our professional endeavours!

Next-Gen view on the future of work‼

So to recap - a while back, I was invited to have a conversation with Michael Esau about delivering on your organisation's purpose. Listen here: https://lnkd.in/g3nCETKV

I felt it was important to hear how our next generation feels about key emerging themes on the future of work. So I asked Miroslav (Mirek) Hazer, Emma Cleary and Abigail Maburutse. Their inputs are very important I think, and I would love to hear your inputs.

Read below 👇

Will a company's purpose drive you to work for them?


A clear company's purpose is for me one of the main drivers when thinking about a company as an employer. Harriet talked in the podcast about the importance of commitment and promise as foundations of every brand. It is the stated promise of what the brand stands for and how well it delivers on this promise. And, with a purpose, it is very much the same – it is not enough to only state what your purpose is, but act on it.

I think that the post-pandemic times will make many people more sensitive to both the stated purpose, but most of all on what actions are taken and results being seen – how the stated purpose is contributing to the society at large.


Whether a company’s culture and values align with my own personal beliefs is essential to me in deciding where I work. I think an organisation’s action and response on wide scale global issues such as inclusion, sustainability, and climate change are more important considerations than ever. To the next-gen, impact matters and we choose jobs based on how companies act and respond to issues.

In reflecting on my current role, I was inspired by the value of ‘Courage: We think and act boldly.’ It resonated with me as a young professional who is curious, wants to make a real difference and challenge the status quo.


I feel like it is paramount for me to have a sense of purpose - as I will find it hard to motivate myself if I don't believe in the mission, vision + purpose of the organisation.

An organisation's purpose is particularly motivating when it is one that I have helped to define. That way it will not only align with the company's goals but also my own values and I can then be confident that what I am doing contributes to the changes I’d like to see. In organisations that do not take their employees' views into account, the employees can feel a sense of alienation and drift, or sometimes even resentment that they are serving purposes that don’t overlap with their own.

Shia’s thoughts on remote working…

Shia at work...

In the age of remote work, the boundaries between professional and personal life have blurred, offering newfound flexibility and freedom. From avoiding the daily commute to customising our work environment, remote working has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we approach our careers.

Yet, amidst the convenience of remote work lies a fundamental truth: the irreplaceable value of human connection and collaboration. While virtual communication tools have bridged physical distances, they can never fully replicate the spontaneity and synergy that arise from face-to-face interactions.

In a room filled with diverse perspectives and shared energy, ideas flourish, relationships deepen, and innovation thrives. The serendipitous encounters, impromptu brainstorming sessions, and shared laughter foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie that transcends screens.

So, as we embrace the benefits of remote work, let's not forget the importance of coming together in person, cherishing the moments of human connection that enrich our lives and fuel our collective creativity. After all, it's in the synergy of human collaboration that the magic truly happens.

Creativity & Vision Drives Innovation Led Growth

I love this fun little creative personality test by the wonderful Adobe - do try it!


The results are rather more important than we think because over the last 100 years as crisis strikes humanity it’s great vision and innovation that provides the platform of repair, restoration, and growth.

After the pandemic in the 1950’s, Sony launched their consumer changing first transistor radio with huge impact!

After the dot com bubble burst of 2000, amongst the debris and wreckage emerged the mighty Apple with the iconic first iPod which I bought and changed my relationship with music forever!

And in the gory undercurrent of the mid-1970s the magnificent Microsoft was born...

As we emerge from this vortex of climate, tech, health and deep inclusion society changes, the job of changing AI and machine learning is hugely real. And, to augment these progressive technologies, we humans need to play to our creative strengths.

I'm a 'visionary'. What creative type are you and how will you use it to help us all build back better?

As we conclude this edition of our newsletter, let's carry forward the insights and inspiration shared here into our daily lives. Whether it's fostering happy and productive work environments, embracing continuous learning and innovation, or navigating the inevitable changes of our professional journeys, let's do so with intention and purpose.

Remember, the essence of great work lies not only in our individual efforts but also in our collective collaboration and support. Let's continue to strive for excellence, to uplift one another, and to create a positive impact in everything we do.

Thank you for being part of our community, and we look forward to connecting with you again soon. Until then, keep innovating, keep learning, and keep making a difference.




The World in Which We Live and How We Might Cope *NEWSLETTER*


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