The World in Which We Live and How We Might Cope *NEWSLETTER*

In an era marked by rapid change and profound challenges, we find ourselves navigating a world that demands our attention and action on multiple fronts. The issues we face today—climate change, gender equality, global health, marginalisation and poverty, war, and technological advancement—are complex and interconnected, shaping the very fabric of our society.

Climate change threatens our planet's future, with its far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, weather patterns, and human livelihoods. Gender equality remains an elusive goal, as we strive to dismantle systemic barriers and create a world where everyone, regardless of gender, has the opportunity to thrive. Global health crises, highlighted by the recent pandemic, reveal the vulnerabilities and inequities in our healthcare systems, calling for a united, global response.

Marginalisation and poverty continue to plague communities, robbing individuals of their potential and perpetuating cycles of inequality. Meanwhile, conflicts and wars displace millions, creating humanitarian crises that demand our empathy and intervention. And as technology evolves at a breakneck pace, we must grapple with its implications—both the incredible opportunities it presents and the ethical dilemmas it poses.

In this newsletter, we delve into these pressing issues, exploring their impact on our lives and discussing strategies for resilience and hope. Despite the complexities and challenges, there are tangible steps we can take to cope and thrive. From embracing sustainable practices and advocating for equality to fostering community support and harnessing the positive power of technology, we can each play a role in building a better world. Join us as we explore these strategies and find inspiration in the potential for positive change, proving that together, we can navigate and flourish in the dynamic world we live in.

Let's talk Climate

World earth day - David Attenborough, the Worlds Treasure & Most Loved Activist

Not long ago, you may have seen a post about the amazing Sir David Attenborough, who, at 98 years old, has been advocating for climate action for well over 15 years. Today, I want to spotlight one such champion: Sir David Attenborough.

🌿 With his iconic voice and unparalleled storytelling, Sir David has brought the wonders of the natural world into our homes for decades. Now, in Planet Earth III, he highlights how species are battling to adapt to the climate crisis, urging us to take action.

🏆 Recently named Champion of the Earth by the UN, Sir David's commitment to raising awareness about climate change is truly inspiring. His documentaries, from The Green Planet to A Plastic Ocean, not only educate but also ignite a passion for conservation.

🐋 As Sir David reminds us, environmental success stories, like the resurgence of whale populations, offer hope for the future. Let's heed his call for unified action and work together to protect our planet and its inhabitants.

What is your story of transformation? 🙏 The transformation of water

I adore the story of 'Blue', an iceberg who goes on a journey of transformation into a cloud ☁

While change is uncomfortable, once undergone, he could see new, beautiful things. This is truly amazing for our time that captures the silver lining of undergoing a transformation - be it, personal or professional. Simple yet profound on transformations that change one's outlook.

You can read the full story here:

I think a change might be the greatest challenge of our consciousness — that when life beckons us to broaden our inner landscapes of possibility, it calls on us to choose experiences of the transformative power of which we might not be able to recognise.

Note that we know ourselves only incompletely; that the life we have is only a subset of our possible future life.

This paradox of transformation comes alive with uncommon tenderness, through a singular lens — the science and poetics of Earth’s water cycle — in Blue Floats Away (public library) by Travis Jonker.

If you read nothing else from me this year read this 💖💦💖💦

Don't Step on a Bee Day! How can you help populate the pollinators? 🐝🍯

On this, Don't Step on a Bee Day I wanted to share a post on the huge part in our lives these little buzzing friends play and their value to our ecosystem!

On average the geographic range of bees and hoverfly species declined by a quarter over the last 3 decades – equivalent to a loss of 11 species from each 1km square! The U.K. is one of the most nature depleted countries in the world and the loss of our wild spaces means that bees do not have the nature they need to thrive. The reasons for this decline are well known and include:

⛈️ Climate change

🌳 Habitat loss and fragmentation

🍃Invasive plants and bees

❌ Low genetic diversity

😷 Pathogens spread by commercially managed bees

💀 Pesticides

So what can we do? From the royal household to anyone with a spare square foot outside, we can start bee keeping! Find out who the master bee keeper is in your area, read up about what it entails and reach out to local bee keepers to learn more about the process.

During swarm season where colonies separate so that they only have one Queen, bees leave their hive and find somewhere to hang in a cluster until the scout bees decide on their new home. Most swarms occur on warm sunny days from May to the end of July usually between 11am – 4pm and the lovely Graham has been out collecting a swarm to help support it and cultivate the honey producing conditions. Even the new king is active in this area we understand as a certain John Chapple told the bees that King Charles III is their "new master" following the death of the late monarch. It’s a perfect time to start!

What can we do to contribute?

There are several personal steps we can take to contribute to climate control for the better. Reducing our carbon footprint is crucial, which can be achieved by using energy-efficient appliances, reducing car travel by walking, biking, or using public transportation, and supporting renewable energy sources. Additionally, adopting a plant-based diet or reducing meat consumption can significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions. We can also minimise waste by recycling, composting, and choosing reusable products over single-use plastics. Supporting and advocating for policies that address climate change, as well as educating ourselves and others about environmental issues, are powerful ways to drive collective action and make a lasting impact. By making these changes, we can help protect our planet for future generations.

Let's talk Gender Equality

28 years ago, I made this pledge and live by it today

3 ways to make diversity, equity and inclusion a reality at work🙏

As the hybrid home workplace debate rages, I wanted to share 3 really practical actions one can take to help make our organisations environments where fairness, justice, equity and inclusion are the experience of all, physically, digitally and a hybrid set up!

🙌Hold up the mirror to our own daily acts

🤝Act on what we learn daily, experiment immediately

👆Persist despite the discomfort, growth in leading diversity and comfort can’t coexist.

I love these Ted Ideas Resources - so practical and applicable:

"It takes daily actions like questioning the lack of diversity on your team, refusing to tokenise Black, Indigenous and people of colour, and standing up against injustices in your workplace. If we all start being the allies we want to be, to show up and be there for our colleagues, to help get the work done we can drive lasting and meaningful change."

I totally believe this and what leaders do matters far more than what we say!

Creating workplaces that work for everyone is about way more than public displays on social media, diversity recruiting initiatives and one-and-done anti-bias and anti-harassment training.

I personally have been leading diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives for nearly three decades, hiring, progressing retaining great talent because of their age sex colour creed and sexuality and as the article shares there is a very special energy in organisations when employees feel seen, heard and valued and when they feel they can contribute, collaborate and perform without judgement or retaliation.

I would love to hear your views on this? and most importantly, how do you create an inclusive environment at work?

What can we do to contribute?

Achieving gender equality requires both individual commitment and collective action. On a personal level, we can start by educating ourselves about gender issues and challenging stereotypes and biases in our daily lives. Advocating for equal opportunities and fair treatment in our workplaces and communities is essential. We can support and mentor women and other marginalised genders, encouraging their participation and leadership in various fields. Additionally, speaking out against discrimination and harassment, and promoting inclusive practices, helps create a more equitable environment. By being active allies and fostering a culture of respect and inclusion, we can contribute significantly to advancing gender equality.

Let's Talk Global Health

The heart.

Let's celebrate the extraordinary beating muscle that keeps us alive - the heart. This month, we're exploring the incredible intersection of technology and medicine.

As I delved into this fascinating topic, I came across an awe-inspiring article by the BBC about a groundbreaking development in bio-fabrication. Astronauts are heading into space to print human cells into organ-shaped tissues. Read more here:

The team behind this technology aims to refine their equipment to eventually print entire human organs in space. However, recreating the full function of an organ – like the heart's synchronicity or a kidney's filtration – is no simple task.

While printing human organs may sound like science fiction, numerous biotechnology companies are working on different methods. Their goal is to use a patient's own cells to create new tissue. Given the right nutrients and conditions, these cells can be induced into the desired cell type and then printed layer by layer into living, functioning tissue.

Get Away from Your Screen - 11 Acts to replace Apps! 📺 ❌

I was astounded to read that 1) folks are spending an average of 4.8 hours a day on their mobile phones, according to app monitoring firm App Annie 2) I spend longer than this average on my screen and device...

In 2020, UK regulator Ofcom found similar amounts of time spent, although its research included watching TV. The App Annie’s reports indicates that apps were downloaded 230 billion times in 2021, while $170bn (£125bn) was spent. TikTok was the most downloaded app worldwide, with users spending 90% more time there compared to 2020. YouTube was the most popular video streaming app worldwide, clocking up more than a million downloads in 60 different countries. Netflix came second in many regions. Mobile gaming also grew - with people spending $116bn on them. Particularly popular were what the report called hyper-casual games such as Hair Challenge, in which players have to avoid getting their hair cut, and Bridge Race, in which players collect bricks and build stairs.

This BBC piece is highly informative:

But all this talk about hours spent on our phones and apps got me thinking about acts! What are some activities we can do to get away from our screens? Here are a few tips from me, along with posts I have written in the past surrounding physical exercise, mindfulness and wellbeing:

🏃Exercise :

🚴 Cycle :





⛅ Cloud watch:

⛳Walk or golf:


🚲 Ebike:

🧘 Yoga:

What can we do to contribute?

To contribute to global health, we can take several personal steps that collectively make a significant impact. Start by adopting a healthy lifestyle: eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, and avoid harmful habits like smoking. Stay informed about global health issues and support initiatives that aim to address them, such as vaccination campaigns and efforts to provide clean water and sanitation. Volunteering or donating to reputable health organisations can also make a difference. Additionally, advocating for policies that promote healthcare access and equity helps create a healthier world for everyone. Small actions, when combined, lead to substantial global health improvements.

Marginalisation & Poverty

Truly understanding discrimination means experiencing it, and being active in our daily lives to address the discrimination wherever and whenever we experience it. Also, reading and writing comprehensively on this “most evil of cradlings” has helped me understand, and support others.

I’m sharing my book review of ‘Between the World and Me’ by Ta Nehsi Coates, recommended by our dear friend, son-in-law, and father of Baby True, Quincy Quartey.

This story takes the form of a book-long letter from the author to his son. I think the essence of this book is that Coates sees white supremacy as an institutionalised, almost indestructible, force, and one that black Americans will never be able to erase or evade.

Coates concludes his letter with the story of his college friend, Prince Carmen Jones, Jr. who was mistakenly tracked and killed by a policeman, highlighting that racism and related tragedies affect black people of all means throughout the social strata.

There's a sense of urgency in the book that seems to me entirely justified as the Black Lives Matter movement propels us all, particularly those of us with so much white privilege, to right now help drive vital structural, institutional, legal, and social change.

For me, this is a powerful, extraordinary, humbling, and important must-read book, as I step up my work even more for greater inclusion and diversity and fulfil my embrace pledge.

Book Review - Between the World and Me

THE POWER OF AGE DIVERSITY - Our Big Experiments That Worked! 👊🏻

“We have become so entrenched in generational name calling or conversely so focused on down playing the differences that do exist, that we have forgotten there is strength in age diversity”

I love this article from HBS by Megan Gerhardt, Ph.D. Josephine Nachemson-Ekwall and Brandon Fogel “Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity” ( It has inspired me to share a couple of great experiments that have proved at least to me, that age diverse teams as so valuable. Indeed, they bring together people with complementary abilities, skills, information and networks in a way that creates great ideation and laughter!

So here are a few of my key observations and experiences around the power of age diversity, throughout my career:

1. During my tenure as Head of IBM AP, we paired the top 50 leaders across Asia with younger less experienced high potential rockstars from businesses across 14 countries!

Together these pairings offered better decision-making, highly productive collaboration with learning, so much fun and sharing based on their wonderful differences.

2. Also we had a multigenerational team of product developers for the IOT suite of capabilities that merged the seasoned experience and broad client network of its older members with the fresh perspectives and up-to-date networks of the younger developers.

Together, they created what could not have been achieved by either group alone.

3. Today my new CMO is less than half my age but comes complete with ideas, experiences, perspectives and talents that are richly different to my own and together we ideate, create, produce and have fun informing and learning from each other!

What can we do to contribute?

To contribute to addressing marginalisation and poverty, we can take various personal steps to make a positive impact. One essential action is to educate ourselves about the root causes and systemic issues that perpetuate marginalisation and poverty in society. By understanding the complexities of these issues, we can advocate for equitable policies and support initiatives aimed at addressing social inequality. Additionally, volunteering our time and resources to local community organisations and charities that work directly with marginalised groups can provide valuable support and assistance. Furthermore, fostering empathy and compassion towards those experiencing marginalisation and poverty can help break down stigmas and promote inclusivity and solidarity within communities. Finally, advocating for systemic change and amplifying the voices of marginalised individuals through allyship and activism can contribute to creating a more just and equitable society for all.


In today's interconnected world, we are constantly bombarded with images and news of conflicts and wars happening around the globe. The ease of access to graphic images depicting violence and suffering can be overwhelming and distressing, leaving many feeling helpless and desensitised to the human cost of war. However, it's essential to find ways to cope with this barrage of information without allowing it to consume us.

One approach to protect our emotional well-being is to be vigilant about our media consumption. I personally verify and validate anything I post or read against reputable sources like the WSJ, CNN, BBC, FT, and Straits Times. Setting strict boundaries on our exposure to graphic content is crucial. This involves selectively choosing trustworthy sources, regulating the times we engage with news updates, and taking regular breaks from social media where distressing images are frequently shared. Additionally, practising self-care techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, or engaging in hobbies and activities that bring us joy can significantly help maintain our emotional balance amidst distressing news cycles.

Moreover, taking proactive steps to support peace and humanitarian efforts can empower us to channel our concern into meaningful action. This may include donating to reputable aid organisations working in conflict zones, advocating for diplomatic solutions to conflicts, and raising awareness about the human impact of war within our communities.

By prioritising our mental health, setting boundaries on media consumption, and taking positive action to support peace and humanitarian efforts, we can better cope with the realities of war while remaining engaged and compassionate global citizens.

Tech Challenge's

The evolution of AI and technology has been nothing short of extraordinary, transforming every aspect of our lives. From smart homes to advanced medical diagnostics, AI's capabilities continue to expand, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency. Yet, as we embrace these advancements, it's essential to find ways to cope with the rapid changes they bring.

One key to navigating this tech-driven era is continuous learning. Stay curious and open to new knowledge. Enrolling in online courses, attending webinars, and reading up on the latest tech trends can help you stay ahead of the curve.

Additionally, one of the things we must do and I feel strongly about is understanding our own data and taking responsibility and actions for its proper use. In a world where data drives decisions, knowing how our personal information is collected, stored, and used is paramount. By taking control of our data, we can ensure it is used ethically and responsibly, protecting our privacy and security.

Another vital aspect is balancing screen time with offline activities. While technology connects us and streamlines tasks, it's crucial to disconnect and engage in real-world interactions to maintain mental well-being. Schedule regular breaks from your devices and spend quality time with family and friends.

Additionally, fostering a healthy scepticism towards technology can be beneficial. Question the sources of information and be aware of AI biases that can impact decision-making. Developing a critical mindset helps in making informed choices in a tech-saturated world.

Lastly, embrace technology as a tool for enhancing creativity and productivity rather than letting it dominate your life. Use AI to automate mundane tasks, freeing up time for more meaningful and creative pursuits. By leveraging technology thoughtfully, we can enhance our lives without feeling overwhelmed.

As we continue to adapt to the ever-evolving tech landscape, these strategies can help us navigate the changes with confidence and resilience.

AI, Aint I a woman

I wanted to share this stunning piece by Dr. Joy Buolamwini, poet of code who uses art and research to illuminate the racial and social implications of artificial intelligence. "AI, Ain't I A Woman" is a spoken word piece that highlights the ways in which artificial intelligence can misinterpret the images of iconic black women: Oprah, Serena Williams, Michelle Obama, Sojourner Truth, Ida B. Wells, and Shirley Chisholm.

This beautiful, hypnotic poetry contains such a powerful, meaningful message: there are conscious, and unconscious biases in Coding. I found this article, which highlights this issue so accurately, and explores Beauty.AI, the first beauty contest to be judged by artificial intelligence online in 2016. The creators of Beauty.AI discovered that the robot jury that evaluated over 6,000 entries favoured lighter skins over darker skins. Only one of the 44 winners had dark skin.

Technology is fantastic, but we must think of the human minds behind it, and the conscious and unconscious biases they infuse in it. The ethical construct, principles and education around AI is supremely important as this new epoch of technology becomes positive for the lives of many, not a few.

AI and Ethics are topics that fascinate me, and that I have widely explored and discussed in the past. Here’s a link to a panel I took part in, which delved into business ethics, and how to translate aspirations around workplace diversity, equity and inclusion into action.


The 10 Breakthrough Technologies of the 2020’s

I love this MIT input on some of the most important technology developments ranging from mRNA vaccines to lithium-metal batteries and data trusts.

My top 5 are:

1 & 2 Multi Skilled AI & GPT-3 which are enhancing AI’s capabilities by expanding senses, seeing, writing, speaking, feeling and hearing, all to improve communication and interaction with the physical world

3. Lithium-Metal Batteries that can remove the drawbacks and limitations of my electric car!

4. Messenger RNA Vaccines have been the two most effective vaccines against Coronavirus.

5. DataTrusts which are new legal entities that collect and manage individuals personal data, some interesting ethical, privacy and data issues to unfold here

I would love to get your views on these and Green Hydrogen, Digital Contact Tracing, Hyper Accurate Positioning and Remote Everything - are there any trends you've invested in That resonate with you or new ones to add?

See the full article here:

In the past month, both IBM and Google have unveiled new AI platforms and ChatGPT seems to be the buzzword of 2023. With the continued and growing focus on AI, I wanted to share some thoughts around where we’re headed with these critical technologies of the future!

Without even realising it, we engage with AI systems almost daily – from the supermarket, to navigating maps, watching smart televisions, viewing our social feeds and using virtual assistants such as Siri or Alexa to tell us the weather! Imagining our lives without AI enabled offerings is becoming rather challenging…

While for some this presents fears of reduced jobs, bias and stifled creativity, I think this time spawns so much opportunity for us to save time, costs and rapidly innovate in new and exciting ways!

I personally love the example of ChatGPT helping plan a dinner brilliantly explored by Greg Brockman in a TED Talk (link below), providing recipes, preparing invitations and even suggesting wine pairings. It can also help convert measurements and adjust ingredients based on dietary requirements and suggests a table plan based on guests social media personas all with lashings of graphics, cooking videos and a customised invite! Gone are the days of enduring prep, research, and indecision!

AI can also help us glean insights from masses of unstructured data as information becomes increasingly fluid! We see this across healthcare where wearables generate a plethora of data, as well as survey responses to open-ended questions and even filtering through media content such as CCTV footage for police report incidents.

Importantly, IT is a LOT more than just AI with cloud computing, software development and cybersecurity as well as infrastructure and maintenance totally underpinning our tech landscape.

According to CIO magazine, forward-thinking CIOs are mapping out 3 year plans to anticipate newly mainstreamed tech, blended teams, democratised IT, and more emphasis on integration, orchestration, and business results which is hugely encouraging.

The impact of AI is real and I believe it’s essential to understand this to harness its power in our organisations, communities and everyday lives! To succeed, both now and as the future unfolds;

- CIOs will need to synthesise a range of technologies cohesively to deliver experiences,

- Employees will need to upskill to ensure they have the skills the world needs for the future,

- All of us will need to embrace our part in the change, inform ourselves and engage in the ethical debate to make AI systems for good!

What can we do?

To cope with the rapid evolution of AI and technology, it's essential to prioritise self-care and establish boundaries. Start by setting aside dedicated time for relaxation and mindfulness practices, such as meditation or yoga, to alleviate stress and promote mental well-being. Additionally, cultivate a healthy work-life balance by implementing digital detoxes and limiting screen time, especially before bedtime, to ensure restful sleep. Stay connected with loved ones through meaningful face-to-face interactions and prioritise offline activities to maintain a sense of connection and fulfilment. Finally, stay informed about the ethical implications of technology and engage in ongoing learning to empower yourself to make informed decisions in the digital age.

Using AI… Responsibly

Implementing AI responsibly requires proactive measures to ensure ethical standards are embedded from the start. Deutsche Telekom set a strong example by establishing responsible AI principles in 2018, long before the EU AI Act came into effect. By translating high-level ethics into practical guidelines and integrating these into their development processes, they avoided disruptive adjustments and ensured their AI operations remained trustworthy and transparent. Leaders can follow suit by actively engaging teams, facilitating open dialogues, and continuously monitoring and adapting AI solutions to uphold ethical standards and align with evolving technologies.

Coping with it all…

Here are some new tips for surviving and thriving!

1. Be Authentically Empathetic to others 🫶

2. Love you physical and emotionally ❤️

3. Twist, shout, sing and dance daily 🗣️

4. Do some, almost any type of Volunteering 🤲

5. Learn a new language 💬

6. Start each day loving and being grateful 🥰

7. Bring Energy into every Room 🔋

8. Learn and Live in your Community 👪

9. Reignite an old friendship 👯

10. Take sustainable acts every day 🍃

Why conscious breathing is so essential to stress reduction.

The importance of deep, deep conscious breathing is my go-to way of dealing with feelings of anxiety and stress. When I feel overwhelmed it helps me psychologically, physiologically, and anatomically.

This excellent @HarvardBiz article ( explains how breathing helps both immediate and long-term stress reduction.

Research shows that different emotions are associated with different forms of breathing, and so changing how we breathe can change how we feel. For example, when you feel joy, your breathing will be regular, deep, and slow. If you feel anxious or angry, your breathing will be irregular, short, fast, and shallow. Changing your breathing rhythm slows your heart rate, triggering your parasympathetic nervous system, and your ability to think rationally returns. I also mentally exhale past troubling thoughts and inhale new positive vibes - it makes me smile too!

The Essence of Positivity

I have always considered myself a glass half full, positive and can-do type of individual, simplifying troubling issues and exaggerating to myself the benefits and upside of any situation!

When I came across this lovely little sketch note my heart wanted to sing as I share it with you!

Because in addition to thinking in an optimistic way, looking for solutions, expecting good results, success, and focusing on making life happier, this graphic opens up new thoughts around the essence of acting with positivity! An investigator and broadcaster of beautiful things, digging deep in the mud to find joy.

As we conclude this newsletter, it's important to acknowledge the myriad stresses and pressures that exist in our world today. From ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Israel to heartbreaking tragedies like the loss of kidnap victims, it's clear that we don't all live the same life, and each of us carries our own burdens.

In the face of these challenges, it's crucial to remember that we are not alone. While we may not be able to control the events happening around us, we can control how we respond to them. By prioritising our mental health, seeking support when needed, and finding moments of joy and connection amidst the chaos, we can navigate the ups and downs of life with resilience and grace.

Let's also take this opportunity to extend our compassion and support to those who are struggling, whether they're facing personal challenges or living in regions affected by conflict and hardship. Together, we can make a difference by spreading kindness, advocating for justice, and striving to create a more equitable and compassionate world.

As we move forward, let's hold onto hope and optimism, knowing that even in the darkest of times, there is still goodness and light to be found. Let's cherish the moments of joy, cultivate gratitude for the blessings in our lives, and continue to support one another with kindness, empathy, and love.




"A Marriage Doomed to Failure," they said!


Exploring the World of Work: A Special Edition