Are you developing skills that won't be automated?


Life skills matter so much during this huge vortex of change.As job roles continue to change due to advanced technologies, the importance of human emotion, EQ, contextualising skills, collaboration, creativity etc become increasingly clear.I’ve read many ‘trend pieces’ that highlight machine learning and the use of robots to replace humans, but there are many life skills that just cannot be automated – as confirmed in this HBR article:, a machine can diagnose an illness, but what about sitting with a family to discuss treatment options or breaking bad news? This seems far less likely to be automated in the foreseeable future.Robotic baristas often require a human to assist with how to use the technology and trouble shoot problems.Emotion plays such an important role in human communication, it helps us prioritise what we do. Emotion is not only complex & nuanced, it also interacts with our decision processes.We can also take context into account when making decisions & can manage the introduction & organisation of new factors that emerge into a situation and reassess, reorganise & if necessary re-sequence reactions.


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