2021 Predictions - Quantum, Fusion & Silver

Only a few of the great and good were able to predict the current vortex of change we are experiencing, not only due to the global health pandemic but also from huge technology advances, climate change and drive for greater inclusion & diversity.Over the past week or so there have been many interesting posts on the topic of 2021 predictions, and I particularly like this from Saxo Group: http://ow.ly/wR9b50D8ktLFrom my readings, and a discussion with my favourite futurist John Straw, I have selected the following 5 key themes for 2021:1. The announcement of a Quantum computer successfully solving a practical problem that cannot be solved by conventional supercomputers.2. China's digital currency could start to replace the $ as the currency of trade.3. Fusion progress with the SPARC fusion reactor design from MIT, which has been validated in 2020 as a viable path to less costly fusion energy and is massively improved by new AI modelling.4. Silver - new demand in industrial applications particularly in the green transformation such as photovoltaic cells used in solar energy5. The year for IOT, the sensored up and secure business infrastructure powered by 5G


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