The power of abstract art

What I love about the power of abstract art is that it can transport the mind to a theme or construct that is entirely personal. What I see in the work may be totally different to what you or the next person see!Take these amazing digital works from Archan Nair ( What I see are striking metamorphoses where the change of physical form is almost being enacted before your eyes! Supernatural in a sense with such extraordinary alteration to the appearance, character and shape of the imagery. The changes seem fluid and somehow mysterious, firing the imagination by the fact that they are digital!Why is this so intriguing to me? Digital Art presents a seamless duality: Digital is intimately linked to science and tech, and Art is the expression or application of imagination and creative skill. I find their union very stimulating and enlightening in a sense!Take the piece below. To me, this visual takes us inside the mind where a brain consuming idea bursts brightly into action and manifests into an exciting plan for freedom and a bold new future!


Do you have a growth mindset?


International Yoga Day