The Magic of Now & How We Stoke our Fire

As I exchanged with the mighty Eleanor Mills on her great article in The Guardian,, I wanted to share some thoughts from my new phase of life that I'm loving!These approaches support the 'three hobbies' approach and build confidence & resilience...1. Make Your Time MeaningfulOnce you pass the half-century mark, avoid work you don’t find totally compelling. I only do what I love and has a positive impact for others!2. Move Your BodyPhysical activity is very important to keep the grey and white matter in your brain more functional! Get your heart pumping, running, jumping, skipping, and singing!3. Fight WeaknessWhich is lowest: your grit, passion, or growth mindset? Help nurture your weakest trait by surrounding yourself with people and deadlines that bolster it. My new colleagues in the social mobility space stretch me every day!What is stoking your fire as we move through the vortex of change?


We Have Designed a New Life - Reflections on the Human Spirit


The importance of mentoring