September 1st Newsletter: The Power of our Personal Energies!

Welcome to my September newsletter where I explore the power of our personal energies! Energy is that exhilarating force that propels us through life and can manifest in various forms - enthusiasm, zest, and an insatiable curiosity that fuels our pursuits. When we possess an abundance of infectious energy, it can be a tool for personal growth, achievement, adventure and making a positive difference in the world!

In this edition, I share different types of energies in our lives and offer insights into how you can channel it constructively – for a life filled with purpose and fulfilment!

Be the energy you want to attract!

As a little girl, I was very hyper and always looking for adventure. Sometimes when I couldn’t find the stimulation I craved, I would say “I’m bored”. My father would reply, “Those who say they’re bored and can’t occupy themselves with interesting pastimes are themselves quite boring!” This mantra has stayed with me throughout my life and I think of my father’s words often to ensure I am interested and interesting in all the activities I engage in!

I feel that having a surplus of energy is a gift that, when harnessed and channelled effectively can be a force for positive transformation and lead to remarkable achievements! In deciding where and how I spend my abundance of energy, I developed a criteria some 25 years ago:

  • Work with high performing teams who I totally trust and value to accomplish any given mission.
  • Add real value and give of my experience whilst learning new skills from others involved in a constructive, forward thinking environment.
  • The product, platforms services or capabilities being created purposely solve an important and difficult problem in a new, value adding, cost effective, digital way.
  • To have fun being involved with my heart and head aligned so we can and will be successful.

I believe these criteria still hold true and see this each day through the purpose-driven initiatives I’m involved with. Using our most valuable assets to give back and make a mark on the world I feel is so necessary for our sense of wellbeing as well.

‘Palli Palli’

When working in Asia, I learned a word in Korean that I took to heart - ‘Palli Palli’. Loosely translated it means ‘hurry, hurry’ or ‘faster, faster’. For me, it's about maintaining a sense of urgency, and not putting off for tomorrow the things you can do today... or now!

So many people seek out completeness before taking action. The issue is that most of the actions that we take in business have an expiry date, just like the food we eat. The longer an action remains a thought that is not implemented, the more its impact is likely to deteriorate.

I see this all the time. We strive for perfection – which is a worthy aspiration, but not always practical – and then when we finally deliver an action, we leave ourselves short on the time needed to execute.

For example, I speak at many events. Often the event organisers invest lots of energy and passion in creating the perfect agenda, and delay sending invites until it’s complete. By that time, the event is almost at hand, and they’ve lost the window to drive amazing attendance. So, what value is the perfect agenda if no one comes to hear it?

This is not to say that perfection and speed can’t co-exist. When doing transformations at IBM where so many of our customers were going through huge digital change, faster was (and always is!) better and happiness and productivity ensues.

Within the Agile Methodology – originally used for software development, but now being applied to any team-based work process – there is a focus on developing the minimum viable product, getting it into market and then iterating and refining as you go. This approach is fast being adopted by many companies today because it is incredibly efficient and effective at delivering results.

The three rules I live by around creating momentum and accelerating progress are:

1. Don’t let perfection prevent progress – perfection can be attained along the way. If you wait for things to be perfect up front, then you’ll never start your journey.

2. Ask for forgiveness, not permission – if it’s your job to make decisions, then make decisions. Most will be right, some won’t. Remember, nothing happens when nothing happens.

3. Cultivate a momentum mindset – never allow yourself to be slowed by obstacles. Go around them. Fix them later. But at all costs, don’t let them slow you down!

The power of high energy!

I believe people who exude high energy light up any room they enter! Their infectious enthusiasm is like a beacon that draws others in, encouraging collaboration and creating an atmosphere of positivity. High energy individuals drive innovation, inspire change, and make a lasting impact on the world and others around them! My contributions with the great team at Mission Beyond, as well as starting my Academies for Youth with Potential in my local Thai Cape Panwa community to teach English to children from diverse backgrounds are so important and enriching to me!

As a Global Leader, I have spent decades of my career using my energy as a source of motivation to fuel and empower employees. Communication with teams is a key vehicle I have used to drive this energy, exciting them about internal initiatives, making meetings fun and interactive, and engaging with as many team members as I possibly could!

The Human Energy Revolution!

We must thank Ariana Huffington for encouraging us all to use our energies wisely – not just for the purposes of work, progression, promotion, and networking. Ariana has given us the permission to use our ‘human energies’ to support ourselves to combat burnout by prioritising our health and wellbeing, our relationships, our capacity for wonder and joy and for giving back. Just like the sun powers our Solar System, we have made huge strides in recognising how people recharge and achieve peak performance through human energy!

Charging your batteries!

I am fortunate to have an abundance of energy that I believe is sourced only if I ensure my batteries are recharged! To ensure my energy storage is high, I like to:

  • Embrace Continuous Learning: High energy individuals often have a voracious appetite for new experiences and knowledge! Engaging in lifelong learning not only satisfies this thirst but also equips me with valuable skills and insights that can be used to create positive change.
  • Seek Purposeful Activities: Engaging in activities that align with personal values and passions not only provides me with a sense of fulfilment but also helps direct energy towards endeavours that have a meaningful impact.
  • Practice Mindfulness: High energy can sometimes lead to scattered thoughts and actions. Meditation and yoga help me stay grounded, focused, and better able to channel my energy with intention.
  • Volunteer and Give Back: Channelling energy towards helping others and contributing to community initiatives can be deeply rewarding, not only benefitting others but offering a sense of purpose and satisfaction too.
  • Creative Outlets: High energy individuals often possess a surplus of creative ideas. Pursuing artistic or creative activities (in my case, dance!) provides an outlet for self expression and allows me to channel my energy into innovative and inspiring projects.

"Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you." Oprah Winfrey.

Dance to the beat of your own drum!

Loving your own energy and feeling proud to dance to the beat of your own drum as I have always done is another key factor I reflected on this month.

Dance has been part of my life since I can recall, joining classes as a little girl. At Mrs Shepherds classes we learnt ballet and tap putting on regular shows at the Andoversford Village hall. On one occasion I broke my toe but still appeared as a wounded soldier - what enduring and positive memories. In recent years again with Graham we performed for my big party! Graham and I had so much fun with our dance teacher, Glenda Pooch, who taught us to move in sync and be patient, practise hard, look up and smile at all times! I also believe it is good for the brain to be a beginner and learning to dance is as much about the brain as it is the body (and in my case, feet!) While tremendous fun, there is a deeper sense of identity that emerges from dance too.

Billy Elliot is one of the most memorable dance films of all time. I love young Billy’s response to how dance makes him feel when he takes his interview for ballet school - “…I feel a change in my whole body. And I've got this fire in my body. I'm just there. Flyin' like a bird. Like electricity…” Dance for Billy is electrifying, energising and exuberating – this is the same for me too! Playing a tune in the morning and tapping away to the beat lifts my overall being for the day.

Healing Energy!

Energy Medicine is a factually based premise that the human body encompasses an energetic life force and centres referred to as chakras that keep the body’s cells healthy, functioning and alive. Your energetic body plays a crucial role in your wellbeing journey!

Energy healing is a holistic practice where healers channel healing energy into an individual to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body. Flow, balance, harmony and vitality within the body can be restored and maintained during this process.

I have experienced the benefits of healing energy through Thai massage where I have found the release of blockers to restore the energy flow in my body. As humans, we all have an energetic force that needs to be balanced and taken care of regularly to allow our minds, bodies and souls to operate at their best!

A few final pointer to summarise the power of our personal energies:

  • We should not confuse energy with being an introvert or extrovert, we do what we can to make ourselves as physically and mentally energetic as we can!
  • Manage your energies to do what you want to do. For some this might mean tandem cycling +60km and for others it might be curling up with a good book and a tea (both fill my energy stores in different ways!)
  • Be a person who brings and leaves energy into the room. You don’t want to be known as someone who takes energy out of the room!
  • The final main ingredient is to believe in yourself. If you believe it you will muster, galvanise and garner the energy to do it!

Warmest – Harriet x


October 2nd Newsletter: The Value of Hobbies!


August 1st Newsletter: Power of Cycling!