Let's Talk Happiness at Work!

Finding Joy in Any Job Are you happy at work? Feeling stuck? Disillusioned? Have you fallen out of love with your job? Finding joy in what you do is perhaps one of the most important needs of the human soul. I really enjoyed this HBR podcast, which delves into ways to improve the role you have, and finding joy in your job: https://bit.ly/3aF14qX. Here are my main takeaways from it:

  1. It is crucial to be vocal to your managers about what you like, or don’t like doing! A simple “Hey, I really enjoy this!”, or “Is there an opportunity to do less of this?” goes a long way. Your firm will come to a better understanding of what you are good at, and where you wish to progress in your career.
  2. Your dream opportunity might be available to you within your firm, and you are not aware of it! Before leaving your job, did you consider asking your boss if there was an opportunity that matched your interests more than your current one?
  3. I loved the wonderful Marcos Buckingham’s advice to have more intention, and more vividness at work. Don't just put 20% of your energy in your work! Can it be 50% that day? Or better yet, 100%! Take initiative! Don’t wait for somebody to give you permission because they can’t read your mind. Instead, can you take it upon yourself to learn something that elevates a natural love into a contribution?
  4. Some people say, “You should do all the things you hate first so that you’re then rewarded by doing the stuff that you love.” Mark advises the opposite! He starts with all the things that make him happy, so it gives him energy! Then, once he has this energy, he can confront the unpleasant tasks.

I have often shared that the concept of “work-life balance” is flawed, stressful and misunderstood: “Nothing healthy in nature is balanced. Everything in nature is moving!”. There may be moments when your work takes more of your time, and others where you can concentrate more on family. Don’t try to strive for a perfect, constant balance: things change, go with the flow!As always, would love your insights into happiness at work! How do you personally find it?


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