It was such a delight to share a live conversation with the multi-award-winning diversity & inclusion speaker Furkan Karayel! We explored her incredible life story and career, the physiology, phycology & anatomy of EDI, and what led both of us to become such passionate advocates and activists for diversity and inclusion. Here are some of my favourite points that were raised:- It is important to take action NOW, as there is so much to achieve until we reached true diverse and inclusive work spaces and environments. Furkan spoke of the importance of getting out there, regardless of your background & education: we must take responsibility for our own decisions, actions and failings whilst never losing sight of our unique perspective. Each of us has a brilliant personal point of view on life, and it is only when we bring together varied points of view that we generate effective problem-solving and change.- She spoke of her admiration for Arianna Huffington, and her inspiring story of incessant work, burning out, and then prioritising her wellbeing. Do have a look at my latest post inspired by Arianna’s content: We discussed heart-centred leadership: stopping, thinking inward & reflecting on the course of action that you know is the right one, instead of succumbing to external pressures & circumstances. As Furkan said: "Only you know what is best for you!". Be a heart-centred, inclusive leader, and create a safe space for your co-workers and employees to put their hearts into what they do!- I shared one of my absolute favourite quotes ever: “If you can see it, be it”! From an early age, I have always felt that I had a strong voice, and I could support those that are under-represented. I have a deep belief, as my father often said, that my opinion matters, and that we are all uniquely special. I have always found the groupings of similar points of view worrying, and have practically seen in business that very high performing teams are systematically built with a very diverse range of perspectives & experiences.- Furkan discussed the importance of not taking everything on yourself: handing over some of your work is necessary in running a business! Have faith in your colleague’s voice & abilities!She finished on the powerful quote: "In the past, jobs were about muscles, now they’re about brains, but in future they’ll be about the heart.”Get your hands on her book "Inclusive Intelligence”! It is a #1 Amazon best seller book, and it teaches you how to use 'Inclusive Intelligence' as a leader. You’ll learn the skills great leaders have in common, how they implement inclusion daily, and how they have become role models in their fields.Available to purchase on these links:Amazon:[embed][/embed]


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International Women’s Day Panel - CAMWIB